Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Days XX to XXIII

Here's the drive from Danbury, CT to Lincoln, ME.

Danbury, CT to Manville, RI
Started off from Danbury on side roads down to New Haven. Curvy, hilly and fast, it was a really fun drive. Until I got lost in New Haven. Pulled over and spent another hour on the phone with the help desk, but finally got the Blackberry working again. Took off and after a little while on the freeway, got off on Route 1 along the coast of Connecticut. It would have been a nice drive, but it was too crowded. Eight-million people going north for the weekend, I guess. Went through Rhode Island and got stuck in traffic a bunch of times. Finally pulled off for the night in Manville, RI, north of Providence a bit.

Manville, RI to Portland, ME
Another frustrating drive, for the most part. Lots of traffic, several stop-and-go traffic jams. Stayed on the freeway the whole way, except for a little detour through Lowell, MA (Jack Kerouac's birthplace). Got into Portland at a decent hour, but had trouble finding a cheap motel room. Finally ended up forking over a good chunk of change and stayed in a place on the outskirts of town. Did laundry and then caught a cab into the Old Port area of Portland. Got some dinner and did some bar hopping and eventually saw Nick from Family Ties doing a Springsteen tribute at some place (no, it wasn't really him).

I'd decided to stay in Portland a second night just because I needed a break from driving. Ended up staying in a place in Old Port, which was a lot more convenient. Since it was a Sunday night, it was a lot cheaper too. Walked around for a couple hours and then checked into my hotel room, where I took a nap and then walked down to the pier to take a ferry cruise. The ferry cruise was nice. It was a three-hour cruise and we didn't wreck, so I was happy. Grabbed something to eat after that and went to bed early.

Portland, ME to East Orland, ME
Nothing too exciting to report. A really nice drive on Highway 1 up the coast and stayed at a place on a lake in East Orland. An older couple ran the place and it had waterfront access, so I sat outside, drank beer, smoked cigarettes and read my book. I'd meant to use their paddleboat to cruise around the lake a bit, but it got dark before I had a chance.

East Orland, ME to Lincoln, ME
More driving up the coast on Highway 1. It was a really nice drive, but got a lot better after after I passed Acadia National Park. A lot less traffic and a lot less development. About 3:00 this afternoon, I technically began heading home when I took a left on Highway 6 in Topsville, ME and started heading east.

Onto the pictures...

A familiar-sounding bar in Portland, Maine.

The following are shots from the ferry cruise I took in Portland, ME.

This is the view from the dock at the place I stayed in East Orland, Maine.

To be honest, I have no idea where this is. It was on the drive today though.

Pretty nice scenery for a rest area.

These are some pictures taken from the car along the drive from East Orland to Lincoln, Maine.